LearnHowToBuildASolarPanel.blogspot.com presents you with wealth of information on solar panel systems. With us, you will learn how to build a solar panel and the various uses and benefits of this amazing system. Save over 80% of your electrical bills and protect our environment today!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Benefits of Using Solar Energy

Solar energy is completely free, after the initial cost of your solar power system. However, it can be cheaper if you choose to build your own DIY solar panels. The main point here is, twenty years from now, the energy you are collecting by your own home solar power systems will still be free.

Benefits of Solar Energy:
  1. We never have to worry about running out of sunlight. The sun is a consistent power source meaning it is always going to be there every day.
  2. Compared to fossil fuels which release greenhouses gases. Solar Panels don't release toxins into the air.
  3. Solar panels are extremely reliable. There are no moving parts so you do not have to worry about replacing anything. The panels generate home electricity for thousands of hours with no maintenance other than a clean.
  4. Power panels make no noise while collecting the suns energy and no other renewable energy or power source are completely silent.
  5. Electricity generated from the sun is cheaper than buying it from the power (electricity)company.
  6. Start up cost is expensive but once you recover your outlay, the panels start making you a profit and a return on your investment.
  7. Solar panel home systems have a huge variety of sizes and shapes. There is an entry point into renewable energy and solar electricity systems for everyone from top range that cost tens of thousands of dollars to a couple of hundred or a cheaper opinion is homemade solar panels.
  8. Live off-the-grid and never pay another power bill. You are not required to connect to the power grid. You can be completely self-sufficient.
  9. Large home solar panels generate excess electricity and you can sell this excess electricity back to the power companies.
  10. Government tax credits. Most governments will provide some kind of tax credit or incentive for people purchasing home solar energy systems.
Learn how to DIY solar panel:

Useful information home solar power systems:

Useful information home solar panels:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Battery Reconditioning

Many people are learning how to recondition batteries these days to save some money instead of buy new expensive replacement batteries. If your laptop battery or the battery for your drill has failed it is not cheap to replace them. This being the case, battery reconditioning looks promising.

You are not limited to reconditioning just the battery for your laptop and drill; many other rechargeable batteries can be done also, including your car battery. If you are short of cash or live somewhere that has very expensive car batteries or they are hard to get, reconditioning would help you extend its life.

It does not matter where you live in the world, reconditioning batteries can be done. It takes some inexpensive instruments to do this, and can be done at home. You can even make this a business and help others save money by reconditioning their batteries for a fee. You never know, this could turn out to be a very good business opportunity.

You could pick up other peoples rechargeable batteries that are going to be thrown out, for free or very little cost. Recondition these to sell at a discount and make some extra money. Reusing these batteries is helping to keep them out of landfills and helping the environment.

There is more than one way to recondition battery, these procedures you can learn from any of the books available online which will show the step-by-step process. Once you do it a few times you realize how easy the procedures are.

Learn how  to recondition batteries:

Useful information battery  reconditioning:

Useful information recondition  battery:

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Generate Your Own Electricity With Solar Power System

Our power bills are slowly but surely rising, during the summer months we use more electricity because we need to cool down the house and ourselves. People are starting to look for alternative energy sources because they just do not want to pay that much. A DIY solar power system look like a promising technology and if your house is located in good spot then it is a good idea to invest. By investing an purchasing PV cells or building solar panel you can cut down on your electrical costs. Though you need an initial investment and yes this will come back pretty soon especially during the summer months.

Before we start dissecting a solar panel to figure out how it works we should understand the nature of light. The light is made out of photons this particles are fast moving atoms. Our Sun is bombarding Earth by the trillions each moment. Photons move with the speed of light because they have a lot of energy and our goal is to harness this energy and produce electricity. It is an interesting fact that on a clear day at sea level 1KWh falls on a square meter and this is enough energy to power up most of the household equipment in an average home.

Photons can interact with matter in a couple of ways: they can be reflected when it hits a mirror, it can be absorbed so it is energy is turned either in heat or electricity, it also can suffer transmission when it does not lose any energy just goes through, this is the case of windows, and last there is the effect of scattering when the photon interacts with molecules in way that it forms a rainbow thus dispersing its energy.

Now solar power can be harnessed in two different ways you either use it for heating or generate electricity. When solar power is converted to heat the next thing to do is to transport it to the place where you need it and this is done by conduction or by convection. When the heat reaches it is target destination it will be used to heat up swimming pools, cook, make tea and so on and so forth. When electricity is created they use photovoltaic cells PV for short. These crystals are made out of semiconductors which when they come in contact with photons they produce electricity. You most likely have seen PV cells on you calculators which do not use any batteries or on ecologically friendly houses and businesses. The Sun will be shining for the next 6 billion years so we do not have to worry that there won't be enough energy to go around.

Learn how to DIY solar power system:

Learn how to building solar panel:

Useful information generate electricity:

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Home Solar Panels Are Environmentally Friendly Systems

At present, carbon dioxide is one of the most talked about atmospheric pollutants. Even though carbon dioxide is a natural part of the atmosphere, in recent years, we as humans have began to overwhelm the earth's eco system to the point where carbon dioxide has begun to reach toxic levels. We introduce carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in many ways, but one of the primary ways is via burning woods or fossil fuels for heating. Home solar power systems do not emit carbon dioxide and when we replace traditional energy sources such as wood or fossil fuels with solar panels, we decrease the amount of carbon dioxide that we introduce into the atmosphere.

The upfront purchasing and installation cost for DIY solar power systems on the typical home is currently more than the cost of equivalent traditional energy appliances such as radiators, hot water heaters, and so on. Things are changing however as recent advances in solar panel technology not only make them cheaper to produce but also increase their kilowatt output efficiency. This means that even though the initial upfront investment costs may be higher for solar panels, the long term payback in energy saving will be more dramatic and occur at a quicker rate than ever before. If you want to free yourself from the spiraling costs of oil and gas, now may well be the perfect time to take a new look at the solar technologies available in your city and state.

Home solar panels, in general, have less moving parts than traditional energy appliances so there's less to go wrong. Typically, once a year you'll have to do a visual inspection, but for the most part, assuming that you've purchased quality panels, once the solar panels are in place, there's not much you have to do to maintain them - estimates range to less than 20 hours a year.

It's been a long road getting here, but solar power is finally coming into its own. And not a moment too soon, because we can no longer afford the energy sources of the last century.

Useful information Home solar power systems:

Learn how to DIY solar power systems:

Useful information Home solar panels:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ways To Build Solar Panels At Home

Many people have been researching on building solar panels to lessen dependence on the utility company so that they can have a back up source of energy in an emergency situation. However, once they get started and see how easy and inexpensive it can be, they begin to do so and totally free themselves and soon become free from the electric company and often use the electric company as a back up to their solar system.

The true benefits of learning build DIY solar panels and installing them is that as you begin to learn how to build solar panels you are saving money, energy and the earth. So you are being kind to your family economy, future generations of people and to the Earth, as we know it.

While saving money is a great reason to learn how to build a solar panel, it is really sort of icing on the cake. There is a sense of satisfaction that go along with creating something that frees you from dependence on a large utility company. In fact many families make it project that they can all get involved with so that that sense of pride and accomplishment covers the whole family.

If you involve your children in the project and they learn how to build solar panels, it can become something that interests them. There fore as they grow into adulthood they may be more likely to become involved in it with their family. This can be a cycle that is great for everyone.

Learning how to build solar panels is the beginning of the job. You will then need to learn how to effectively harness, store and distribute that power. Again, this is all fairly simple to do and can be done, for the most part with commonly available items from the Internet.

You can work on what you learn about how to make solar panels as a part time hobby and as time and finances allow. It is not doubt that you will find yourself being drawn in and building more of them as you get into the build process.

Learning how to build solar panels can be a hobby that can and will pay you and your family significant dividends over your lifetime. The Internet is a great place to learn about making these things and a phenomenal place to save money on the parts once you begin to build.

If you take the time to learn how to do it correctly you will find that you can easily construct a quality panel over a fairly short period of time and in no time at all you and your family can begin to pull yourself off the commercial power grid and become more and more sufficient on yourselves.

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Solar Power Systems - Harnessing Energy From The Sun

Harnessing the sun's energy is currently being supplemented by support from federal governments worldwide. Either through direct government building or providing incentives to encourage businesses and individuals to take greater advantage of solar energy technologies that are available today, governments everywhere are beginning not only to see the advantages of using solar, but seizing it. Click here to read more - home solar panels and DIY Solar Panels

Solar energy in remote locations...space satellites, roadside emergency phones, isolated buildings, solar powered road signs...are all indications that solar energy is quickly moving forward in these arenas.

Solar powered automobiles are rapidly making their way to the forefront of energy-efficient transportation...in a nick of time. As gas and oil prices rise rapidly, having a solar-powered automobile or hybrid makes more sense to more people every day. This, in turn, of course, gives the necessary incentive to automobile makers to produce more electric and hybrid vehicles.

What the world may look like with solar energy is definitely a bright picture. The solar version of driving in the densely populated cities in various locations in the world...New York, Los Angeles, London, Tokyo, Cairo...will be significantly different than it is today.

With new materials in solar roofing, the bright, shiny roof tiles, or sparkles that you see on roofs will be solar energy being spread across the rooftops of the world. The exterior walls of our buildings will be more than just walls...they will be solar collectors as well. Some farmers may elect to produce a new crop...solar cell PV cells, or thermal troughs, and previously empty space in deserts and open prairies will be used to capture and store the sun's energy. Whatever methods work and are used, capturing and putting the sun to work in solar power systems will make this a better place to live.

Useful information home solar panels:

Learn how to DIY solar panel:

Useful information solar power systems:

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Building Your Own DIY Solar Panels

You have a few choices in building solar panels. You can build it yourself or purchase a prefabricated one. Making a DIY solar panel is easier than you would think. Once you have the right materials; solar cells, tabbing wire, and flux pen, you are on your way to building a small scale panel in no time. Most people build their DIY solar panel in less than a day. It also makes for a very fun weekend family project.

Solar panels are made up of numerous silicon solar cells. They generate electricity once photons from sunlight hit the silicon cells bouncing electrons within the cells across the panel. This creates a current which is drawn through copper tabbing wire.

In order to learn how to build a solar panel you will need to take a few initial steps to assess the situation.

1. Purpose - What are you going to use the solar panels for? If you are using the panels to power lighting for a toolshed or RV, you will need less electricity than if you wanted to power your entire household. For this, you will need to determine the wattage for your purposes. You can use a kill-a-watt voltmeter to measure appliances in your house.

2. Grid Tie or Offgrid - If you plan on connecting the panel to your house, you will need to decide whether you need to connect it to your existing electrical grid. You will need an inverter to convert DC current to AC current that is usable within the household. If you decide to go offgrid, you will need a battery to store the electricity. For a single panel, you can survive with a standard 12V battery.

3. Financial considerations - Look into government and state rebates and tax incentives. The first place to look is your local utility's website. Ask people in your neighborhood who have installed solar on their rooftops and ask them what measures they took.

Solar panel installations have gone up about 50% each year since 2004. The technology is solid and the paybacks in cost savings are substantial. Do your part and build your own solar panel for your home today.

Learn how to Building solar panels:



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Useful information generate electricity:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

DIY Solar Panels - Build Your Own Solar Panel At Home

In the world today, every individual should do their part to clean up the environment. This starts with implementing energy efficiency measures such as weatherization. If you do your part to cut down on energy usage, we will not have to produce as much energy. It ends with implementing your own renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. DIY solar panels make it incredibly easy to get a system up and running in as little as a single weekend.

There are a few things to keep in mind when learning how to build a solar panel:

1. Do you have the correct materials? Most DIY solar installation kits will contain high quality photovoltaic cells, tabbing wire, and flux pens. You will also need an inverter to tie the electricity back to your grid. If you decide to work off-grid, you need to purchase a battery to store the electricity. It is also advisable to make a box to protect the solar cells from extreme weather. Solar cells are very fragile.

2. What are the zoning laws in your area? Does you local utility allow you to tie the electricity back to your energy grid? There are certain zoning laws in different areas that may prohibit you from connecting your DIY solar panel to the existing electricity grid.

3. What financial incentives are available? The federal government and state are making it a point to move the nation to more renewable electricity. They putting their words into action by making available tax incentives and rebates. If you live in a sunbelt state such as California, there are many rebates available to homeowners that subsidize up to 30% of you initial costs. Group buying efforts are also in place, whereby entire city blocks are grouping to buy solar panels at a discounted bulk price.

Renewable energy such as solar and wind are here to stay. Do your part by educating yourself and those around you to the benefits of renewable energy. It will be an integral part of weaning our nation off of dependence on foreign oil and the resulting national security problem involved with it.

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